Sunday, July 27, 2008


ON THE WATER FOR AUGUST          (2008)


What can I say Pard >><< JULY was not the best month the Club has ever had …….. We had to scrub the Yaquina Bay Crabbing Event due to lack of interest + we had a tough time filling our Fish Trapping Slots & attendance at our Breakfast & Club House Meetings averaged about 12 to 15 members. There was some Good News >>><<< The Weather was really nice & Best Of All, Bev Winebrenner & Mac Andrews are on the Mend !!!!      We will take our Blessing where we can & chalk up the rest to the “Summer Time Slows” … Which may turn out to be a Blessing in Disguise, by allowing us to pause & reflect on Past & Future Club Operations, as we rapidly approach EOY 2008 ………


If you look at the Club’s Meeting & Event Schedule for AUGUST >>><<< It’s clear that we have some fun stuff on the “Front Burner” for this month ……… 


Our Salmon Derby Opens + A Breakfast Meeting + A Picnic at Ona Beach + Our 4th Year Birthday Bash + Our Quarterly Beverly Beach Litter Patrol + A Fish -A- Long at Beaver Creek & for those of you who enjoy doing so, Fish Trapping .…><…. Now that’s not a bad menu to choose from !!!!   Beyond all of these fun activities …………


The topic that I think we should also focus on this month is the ATTENDANCE DEFICIT DISORDER SURVEY …….. We want to encourage all Club Members to take the time to reflect on YOUR involvement in OUR Fishing Club’s Operations & Activities. Returning this important survey will provide us with a Base Line of information from which we can plan for 2009 Club Operations. We will collate all of your confidential responses into a meaningful format & share that data with the entire Membership sometime during the month of September.


All organizations, periodically, need to pause & take stock of their Leadership & the Direction the organization is headed. In the case of our Fishing Club, we are fortunate to have an Ethos Statement, which can help us as a guiding set of principles. Beyond that, much like our Democracy, it is imperative that ALL MEMBERS stay Engaged in the Organizational Process. If that engagement is lost, the well being of an organization can be threatened.


Your Fishing Club remains a very strong Social & Community Resource with a sterling reputation within our wonderful Coastal Community. It is now appropriate for us, to use this time, to take stock of where we are & where we hope to take our Club. There are many things we can do, such as change some of our Policy Positions and / or make Leadership Changes. Your Survey Responses will help us with a better understanding of those Policy Issues that we may want to keep & those that possibly should be changed. As to the Club’s Leadership, you may recall, that All Club Officers will tender their resignations in November & the Membership can, at that time, make decisions about who they wish to elect as their New 2009 Club Officers.         Not to worry, our LVH Fishing Club has very bright future ahead …………


In closing, I’ll leave you with this thought, sent to me by Linda Reed. As I get older, questions like this haunt me >><< “Why do you ‘put your 2 cents in’ …. But it’s only a ‘penny for your thoughts’ ??   Where’s that extra penny going to” ???


Well that’s the Top of the News as it looks from here…. Hope to See You On the Water ……… THE HOOK