Thursday, December 31, 2009




Here we Go >> Ready or Not >>Into the New Year !!!  Boys Howdy, but they seem to come around quicker each year !~!  Well >< We got a few things in the Old Tackle Box, which we might take a look at >>>>> Let’s start off with a BANG …. Our DUCKS WON the 113th CIVIL WAR Football Game with the BEAVERS with a score of 37 >< 33 >>> Now it’s on to the ROSE BOWL & the Ohio State BUCKEYES >< GO DUCKS !!! How’bout, some more Good Stuff >>>>> Holy Toledo, what a Great Dungeness Crab Catch this year >< Lot’s of crab weighing in at 2 to 2.5 lbs. with a total catch so far of over 12 Million Pounds. Then we have the Very Positive Spring CHINOOK Forecast, provided by the Columbia River Fish Managers, which suggest the Largest Spring Returns since 1938. Did you hear about the Sumner Kimball Readiness Award Recently Presented to all of the personnel at our Local USCG Station >??< Well Done to All Station Personnel, for Keeping your Boats & Equipment in “Tip Top Readiness Condition” … We are very fortunate to have such a Fine Group of Folks Serving Our Community. Let’s also mention the Wonderful Free Christmas Dinner recently provide to Members of our Community Thanks to the combined efforts of the ELKS & members of the CHURCH of the NAZARENE. Yes, the rumor you heard is true >> Ellie LeMaster & Bev Garvey did a Beverly Beach Patrol >< They braved the COLD & actually picked up about 50 lbs. of Nasty Beach Stuff !! Good Job Ladies & Thanks !!!  Here’s One for the “Bad Day Department” …. There is a Guy in Oregon City that has been living with Big Trucks & Lots of Cars coming down his narrow “Dead End” driveway, which leads to his home >>> Then they have a Devil of a Time Getting Turned Around to Get Out !~!~!  This has been going on for over a month & is the result of a “Mapping Error” in a Garmin GPS Driving Program, which leads drivers to believe this Guy’s Driveway is a Short Cut into a New Very Ritzy Housing Development. The Bottom-line is that Garmin & Navtacq are saying it will take 6 months to correct the problem & continue to finger point over who’s responsibility it is to fix the problem >< My suggestion for the Oregon City Guy is to Open a Coffee Stand & make the Best of a Bad Situation !~!~!  ( On a Positive Note >< We did not have any of these problems with the Excellent “Trap Map” recently completed by Wayde “Surveyor” Dudley) …. Moving on to Close Out the Tackle Box… We are still very much in the NOAA Home Port Relocation Plans for 2K10 & It would do us all well to continue to “Think Very Positive” about the outcome of this Important Newport Port Project. Lurching into December >>>>>


DECEMBER was replete with Good Cheer & a Most Enjoyable Christmas Gathering that recognized BUD ROARK as our 2009 Joe Longo Award Recipient. We were delighted to have Michele Longo Eder, with us, to assist in the Award Presentation & to have Mac & Kimberly Andrew as our Special Guests. Once again >< Congratulations to The Tom Simpson Household for doing such a Magnificent Exterior Christmas Lighting Display >< It was really the “Top of the Holiday Mark” !!!  I am also pleased to report, that Our Very Good Friend Casey Deckard, continues to mend & for that we are Very Grateful. Then we have the New Year >>>


JANUARY begins with our DUCKS meeting the BUCKEYES in the Rose Bowl Football Game of the Season. May the Best Team Win & I Sincerely Hope it’s the DUCKS !!! We will “Kick Off” our 2K10 Salmon Derby Season at our Mid-month Meeting by recognizing KEVIN McCARTHY as out 2009 Derby Winner & also Appropriately Anointing 1 of the 2 Fishermen (ELECTRIC BILL or ATV DALE) who caught the Smallest Salmon. The Surveyor (aka Wayde Dudley) devised a most Innovative & Scientific Way for us to do that & you don’t want to miss this one !~!~!  ( We will also be presenting Salmon Pins to All of those Lucky Anglers who Caught a Salmon during the 2009 Season.) P>S>> Don’t forget to Renew your Fishing License & Salmon Tag for 2K10 & for You Boat Owners >< Check out the New Invasive Species Permit Regulations.


Allow me to close, by Wishing All of You My Very Best For the NEW YEAR  >> & <<  Good On You All  ………  


I’ll leave you with this thought, which was taken from an Actual Church Bulletin >< “The Low Self Esteem Group will be Meeting this Thursday at 7 PM >><< Please Use The Back Door” !~!~!


Well, that’s the Top of the News as It Looks from Here …… Hope to See You On The Water >>>>>>  THE HOOK