Friday, July 30, 2010


Hello Dear Friends >< We “Coasties” know it’s Summer Time, when the Morning Fog is Thick Enough to Cut with a Knife !~!~! 


Let’s Lurch On >><< Check Out what got thru the Fog & into the Old Tackle Box >>> I am looking at a very recent Post Card from Brother Bob Abbott & You will be happy to Know, that he is Doing Good & Avoiding Evil >< Mostly !!!  He reports, that the VA is very close to providing him with a set of electric wheels, very similar to the set he used while here in LVH. He says this New Chair will really Get Him Moving >!!< He also wants me to send All of His LVH FC Pals & Pallets a VERY BIG HELLO & Please continue to send him Cards & Other Good Stuff clipped out of the Local Newspapers. Speaking of Moving >> This is Turtle Egg Laying Time & our 2 Native Turtles (Western Painted & Western Pond) are very busy right now> Also on the Move is the Dredge Yaquina … She has been busy keeping our Yaquina Port Channel & the Jaws at a depth of 40 feet. Thus involves moving over 200K Cubic Yards of Yuck out of the Channel & Jaws. How’ bout another Good Job >< Let’s “Give It Up” for Walter Chuck, Dean Fleck & All of the Tuna Classic Crew, that made this 2K10 Tuna Fishing Event another Big Success. In spite of the really Tough Fishing Conditions, the Tuna Anglers were able to turn over 1500 lbs of Tuna to our Local Food Share Program > Special Thanks to All of You Fine Folks !!! 

It’s Stopped> Thank God Almighty <> We are now Over 100 Days since the Gulf Oil Disaster Began & It looks like we may be very close to getting the Well Head Under Control. The Recent Containment Cap appears to be working & Now we need a little more time to Side Drill the Bore & Completely Kill the Well (Keep Your Fingers Crossed <> The Clean Up Will Continue) … Some More Good News >> Brandon Hill, Wayne’s son, is Home Safe from his recent Military Tour in Afghanistan > &< It’s beginning to look like the Great NOAA Home Port Controversy is about to finally subside. The recently published IG Report clearly states that, in spite of some Administrative Flaws in the bidding process, the Final Outcome of the Competitive Bidding Process would have remained the same >> (Newport it is, Hands Down!!) 

This seems like as Good a Time as any, to talk about Mosquitoes !~!~!  This Summers projections for these Bad Boys, suggest that We Better Keep our DEET Handy !!! (On the bright side, it seems that there is considerable work going on to Produce Genetically Altered Mosquitoes, that will not Carry/Transmit the Malaria Virus >< Unfortunately this is still several years out … In other words> K>T>D>H !~!~!)

Factoids >>>>

Here’s an Otter Factoid >> Did you know these Little “Otter” Nippers are Born Without Knowing How to Swim ??   Yep, this is one of the very 1st things they have to learn from their mothers. Another Factoid for all of you Drinkers >> There is a distillery in Wasilla Alaska, that makes a Vodka called Smoked Salmon … They also make one called Russian Garlic !?!??  I very much like Salmon & Garlic, but I much prefer eating them !~!~!

Another Car Factoid >> The Last PT Cruiser rolled of the Mexican Production Lines EOM July … Get ready to Say Hello to the New Chrysler / Fiat 500 >< I still can remember when Nehru Jacket’s were popular & We used to say, “Fix It Again Tony” !~!~! 


I’ll close the T.B. with this last item, which was stuck to the bottom >< Have you ever heard of “Paternal Explanatory Syndrome >> Grand Parents are sometimes diagnosed with this >< Their Grand Children often call it >> Drivelalia Factosis, which is caused by a Significant Build Up of Large Quantities of Useless Information on the Brain >>>>>>>>> (Sometimes, Writers Can also Suffer from this Affliction !~!~!)


 Let’s Take a quick look-back at Our Club Activity for JULY >>> We enjoyed a very well attended Breakfast Meeting & a most Interesting & informative Tour of the Georgia Pacific “Toledo” Paper Plant; compliments of our good Friend & Plant Communications Manager, Tom Picciano. Once again, Ellie LeMaster was the Spearhead for another successful Summer Beverly Beach Litter Patrol. Special Thanks to All of You Terrific Beach Pickers !! (You may remember, this was a real Highlight Activity for Brother Bob Abbott) >><< I should also mention, the Good Summer Big Creek Litter Patrol Work being accomplished by Don & Shari Sarver, with Mike Rosica also giving us a helping hand.     


It’s AUGUST >> Which means it’s Our Birthday Month >><< Yep, the Old LVH FC will be Celebrating it’s 6th Birthday on the 19th of this Month > & < What a celebration it will be >>>> We are going to have an Early Brunch >< Consisting of “Wayde Dudley’s World Famous Ribs” complimented by Potato Salad, Rolls & a Super Birthday Cake + Coffee. We have invited our Dear Friend & 1st FC President, Jack Scherer to join us for this Fun Event. Keep your fingers crossed, that he can come down, from Lacy, WA, to be with us. This Annual Event is one you most certainly do not want to miss !!!!  

Speaking of Birthdays, Frank “Ducks” Stout, will be “Suffering” a B-Day this month >> Give him a “Big Happy” the next time you see him. Heads Up on the 26th >< We will be conducting another Summer Beverly Beach Patrol … As always, our Beach Mistress will appreciate your involvement & So will the Beach >> Thanks In advance ……


>>> A Special Note for August >< As you are Banging Around on Saturday the 14th >< Please Remember our FC Pal Lou Reed. On this day, Lou’s Wife Linda & The Reed Family will be holding a Celebration of Life for Lou >< Several of us from the Club will be Honored to Attend.


In Closing >< Let me leave you with this thought, “Time is The Only Resource > that > We Are Not Making Anymore Of”


Well’ that’s the Top of the News As It Looks From Here >< Hope to See You On The Water >>>>>>>>   THE HOOK