ON THE WATER FOR MARCH 2011Hello AllWell, another month has sped by. On February 2, Punxsutawney Phil emerged and did not see his shadow. That predicts an early spring but I guess that does not apply to late February in Oregon. It is a real surprise to see late February snow in Western Oregon, especially on the Coast. On a great note, Officer Steven Dodds was released from the hospital to recuperate in an undisclosed location. Our best to Officer Dodds and to all the men and women of law enforcement that dedicate themselves and risk their lives to enforcing the laws and keeping us safe. As you know, PHIL REED, took a terrible fall and required surgery to repair ligaments, tendons, and muscles. It was necessary to drill holes in the knee to reconnect the ruptured tendons and he will be in a cast for several months. I am sure Phil knows he can count on his fishing club pals to lend him a hand if he needs any help. We will take him up on the "rain check" for the fishing trip drawings until Phil gives us the okay. TOM SIMPSON was spotted the other day and he is doing fine after surgery to repair his shoulder. Tom is now starting Physical Therapy. The NOAA battle over their move to Yaquina Bay should now be over with our sore loser northern neighbors after their latest loss in Congress. WAYDE DUDLEY, BARB DUDLEY, and myself, on a trip to the Schooner Creek trap, were discussing how much help we are to ODFW. As the discussion continued, Wayde observed that it is just as good for us as it is for them in that it gives us a lot satisfaction in assisting them and it gets us off the couch with something to keep us active and involved, not to mention being in the great outdoors. Those activities are available to any of us as there is usually room to tag along on any of the trap runs or help with any of your fishing club functions.Looking back on February, we all had a great breakfast at the Agate Beach Golf Course. BEV GARVEY won the drawing to go fishing with PHIL REED. At the mid month meeting, PHIL REED gave us all excellent tips for catching the elusive Steelhead and LINDA REED won the drawing for the trip with Phil (those trips will be made when Phil is back on his feet). FRANK STOUT, BRIAN HUDSON, WAYDE DUDLEY, and myself took a trip to Portland for the Sportsman Show. I had not been to the show and I must say, IT IS HUGE. We spent about 4 hours there and it would take at least another 4 hours to see everything. If you have not been to that show, it is a must see in the future. At the show we found club member DEAN FLECK working the Englund Marine booth. Dean had great things to say about our club. It seems that we are well thought of in our community for all that we accomplish working on events and our help to ODFW. Your Fishing Club has started accumulating items for the Memorial Day weekend Garage Sale. If you need to do some "Spring Cleaning", keep your Fishing Club in mind for those items you no longer need. If you want things out of your way, let Wayde or Wayne know and we will arrange to haul them away. We have a great start in making this year's sale the largest in our history.As we turn to March, we will have our breakfast meeting on March 3 at the Golf Course. Bring your appetite and your favorite stories. Then on March 9 we will be forming a work party to do some repairs and improvements to the Schooner Creek trap and then JOHN SPANGLER and BUD ROARK will burn some burgers for the hungry crew. On March 17 we will have the pleasure of a presentation by OSP Trooper Heather Van Meter on "Sport Fishing and the Law 101". After a great presentation last October by OSP Senior Trooper Carla Urbigkeit about the Commercial fishing side of enforcement, this will be a real treat to find out about the enforcement of Sport Fishing laws. To round out the month, DON SARVER and WAYDE DUDLEY will be attending the STEP Conference in Rockaway Beach on March 26. Also in March, we will be planning for the Kid's Fishing Event that will be held on April 16 as part of the Olalla (Community) Festival sponsored by GP.So, we hope to see you in March for all of these fun events. Until then, keep those tips up and we hope to see you ON THE WATER.Bigfish
Howdy Fellow Fisher Men and Women........Hope everyone had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and here's to a Healthy and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Let's dump out the Old Tackle Box and load up the New One. Some memorable things have happened in this past year. The COHO seem to be having a great year (we are getting many of them at the fish traps). AND, How about our amazing Port of Newport landing the NOAA contract? AND, even more amazing, the project is ON SCHEDULE AND ON BUDGET. What a boost to our local economy injecting upward of $20 MILLION a year!! As if that wasn't enough, the INTERNATIONAL TERMINAL is moving right along in spite of some minor setbacks. Our COMMERCIAL FISHING FLEET is having a decent year and the CRAB is especially tasty. Then there was the craft that ended up on NYE BEACH. That attracted a lot of attention. And Bay Blvd. received a face lift (it was a real mess for a while). It is nice the utilities are now underground.
Where did 2K10 go? Looking back on 2K10, it was a busy year for the Longview Hills Fishing Club. Besides the routine Breakfast Meetings, Beverly Beach Cleanups, Big Creek Res. Solv Bag Stations repair and bag changes, trap duties on the Siletz and Schooner Creek, and tending to Line Recycling Stations, we also found time to have a Coast Guard Station tour in January, Babysit the Steelhead Smolts at Palmer Creek, assist the Port of Newport with Ocean Fishing openers, fund our Fishing Club for another year with the Memorial Day Weekend Garage Sale (a special thanks to Wayde & Barb Dudley for their hard work and driveway), assist Our Friends at Central Coast Fly Fishers and the Baptist Church with the Kid's Fishing Day at Eckman Lake, have a Georgia Pacific tour of the Paper Mill, a tour of the Oyster Farm, a tour of the International Terminal Project, assist the U DA MAN Yaquina Bay Chinook Salmon Tournament, have a great presentation by OSP Sr. Trooper Carla Urbigkeit on Commercial Fishing Enforcement, and then a Show of Member Hobbies at our November Meeting. The other Big and Special Events were the Wildlife Presentation by Tami Wagner in September AND in August our 6th Anniversary Birthday Bash with our Special Guest and Founder Jack Scherer. With Great Sadness we lost both Tami and Jack later in 2K10. Then in December, we held our 5th Annual Christmas Gathering & Joe Longo Award Presentation. It was a Touching Moment when the Joe Longo Award was given to Casey Deckard with his Wife and Daughter in attendance. Then Frank Stout and Barb Dudley were presented with Meritorious Service Awards. And our very own BEACH MISTRESS, Ellie Lemaster was recognized for organizing and reporting our Beverly Beach activities. To conclude the program, it was our pleasure to present John Spangler with a beautiful mounted Rainbow Trout (Carved by Ducks Stout) as a memento of our esteem, for the Dedication and Leadership John displayed, over the last 5 years, as our Fishing Club President. WHEW!!!! WHAT A YEAR !!!!!
Looking ahead to 2K11 we can only hope that we can keep up with our accomplishments of 2K10. Your New Officers and Board Members will be challenged to arrange Tours and Presentations to meet the expectations of Our Membership. We look forward to adding New Members and find New and Exciting Tours in the Coming Year. I would remind every member that my leadership of YOUR Fishing Club can only go SO FAR without your HELP & SUPPORT. It is the RESPONSIBILITY of EVERY MEMBER to stay involved by attending the meetings and participate in events. That would include making SUGGESTIONS & RECOMMENDATIONS regarding Fish Club Activities directly to myself or other LVH FC BOARD MEMBERS: Larry Dale (vice president), Frank Stout (secretary/treasurer), Don Sarver (operations officer), and Barb Dudley (public affairs officer).
Big Fish